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You'll Never Look at the Stars the Same Way Again

One day a few years ago, I asked my mom to take me to the movies. Even though it was for an early Saturday morning screening of a film she'd never heard of, she said yes because my mom is the greatest. When we got out of the car, she brought a blanket along with her and told me that she'd be asleep within the first 5 minutes. 2 hours into the movie, I looked over at her and not only was she awake, but she was sobbing right alongside me. What film could bring my mom tears instead of sleep? The film adaptation of a novel which should honestly be sold with a pack of tissues attached. 

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

What Made Me Read This Book? Peer pressure. But not really peer pressure from actual peers in school. More peer pressure from the book community. Every "Booktuber" I watched had read the book, every site I visited couldn't stop writing about it. This book was everywhere. While I usually like to differ from the doings of the masses, when it came to reading this novel I decided to hop on the bandwagon for once. Thankfully, I wasn't disappointed. 

Hazel is dying. That is not a spoiler. That is not a surprise. In fact, she has been preparing for her death ever since she was diagnosed with cancer as a young child. She was ready for her life to end whenever it came time to end. What Hazel was not ready for was meeting Augustus. The ever full of life Augustus inspires Hazel to live a little more why she still can. He takes her hesitancy and turns it into a want for adventure. Those adventures create a love between them stronger than anyone could have planned or expected. But of course, this wouldn't be the story of a great romance if the unexpected didn't show up and turn everything upside down. 

My Rating: ✯✯✯✯.5 - Even though I was spoiled going into this book, I was still shocked and shook on every page. John Green has such a wonderful writing style. He can make characters sound both relate-able and unworldly wise within the same paragraph. Every page came with both hope and devastation, triumph and utter lost. A roller-coaster ride that you may not always enjoy but will ultimately appreciate. 

Why? I can't say much here with giving away major plot points. This novel packs such a punch that having any inclination of it beforehand is a great disservice. Why read this book? Because its just one of those books. One of those books whose reputation will last far beyond its time. One of the books which has impacted an entire society and pop culture. One of those book that actually had a pretty decent on-screen adaptation. One of those books that everyone should read just because they should. 

Favorite Quote*: "Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book."

*also a perfect description of how I feel about this book and why everyone should read it

Hint for next week: Flowers have feelings too.

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